Microhyrax lavocati Sudre 1979 (hyrax)

Mammalia - Hyracoidea - Pliohyracidae

Full reference: J. Sudre. 1979. Nouveaux Mammifères Eocènes du Sahara Occidental. Palaeovertebrata 9(3):83-115

Belongs to Microhyrax according to J. Sudre 1979

See also Rasmussen and Gutiérrez 2010

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: GL2-2, a mandible (including p/3 to M/3). Its type locality is Gour Lazib HGL90, which is in an Eocene/Eocene fluvial-lacustrine sandstone in the Glib Zegdou Formation of Algeria.

Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Eocene of Algeria (6 collections)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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