Bivalvia - Modiomorphida - Cypricardiniidae
Synonym: Newsomella Foerste 1909
Full reference: J. Hall. 1860. Containing descriptions and figures of the organic remains of the Lower Helderburg Group and the Oriskany Sanbstone. New York Geological Survey 3(1):1-532
Parent taxon: Cypricardiniidae according to P. Bouchet et al. 2010
See also González 2002, Isberg 1934, Sepkoski 2002 and Vokes 1980
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Cypricardinia borealica Cypricardinia contracta Cypricardinia dalecarlica Cypricardinia eopermica Cypricardinia fayettevillensis Cypricardinia fossa Cypricardinia indenta Cypricardinia kallholniensis Cypricardinia mytiliformis Cypricardinia permica Cypricardinia planulata Cypricardinia revoluta Cypricardinia securigera Cypricardinia ulrichi
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of China (1 collection), Greenland (2), Indonesia (1), Mongolia (1), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (15), United States (3: Alaska, Texas)
• Namurian of Australia (1)
• Carboniferous of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1), Australia (2), Canada (1: Alberta), Germany (1), United States (43: Arkansas, California, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, Tennessee)
• Devonian to Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (3)
• Devonian of Australia (9), Canada (4: Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec), China (1), Colombia (13), the Czech Republic (1), France (1), Germany (2), Italy (1), Kazakhstan (1), Morocco (2), New Zealand (2), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (1), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (90: Alaska, Indiana, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania), Venezuela (1)
• Silurian of Australia (1), China (2), the Czech Republic (1), Poland (1), Sweden (7), the United Kingdom (5), United States (11: Indiana, New York, Tennessee, Wisconsin)
• Arenig of China (3)
• Ordovician of China (1), Sweden (2), the United Kingdom (1)
• Tremadoc of China (2)
Total: 247 collections including 258 occurrences
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