Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Beecheriidae
Full reference: Y. G. Jin and S. L. Ye. 1979. Permian brachiopod names. Paleontological atlas of northwest China, Qinghai Volume 1:70-131
Belongs to Beecheria according to Y. G. Jin and S. L. Ye 1979
Sister taxa: Beecheria angusta, Beecheria bovidens, Beecheria chouteauensis, Beecheria curva, Beecheria elliptica, Beecheria expansa, Beecheria fernglenensis, Beecheria kargaliensis, Beecheria lidarensis, Beecheria netschajewi, Beecheria samarica
Type specimen: NIGP 42794. Its type locality is Taojiyong, Zaqing, Zaduo County, which is in a Wordian marine horizon in China.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Taojiyong, Zaqing, Zaduo County
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