Subfamily Heterotermitinae Froggatt 1897 (termite)

Insecta - Blattodea - Rhinotermitidae

Full reference: W. W. Froggatt. 1897. Australian Termitidae. Part II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21:510-552

Parent taxon: Rhinotermitidae according to C. Jouault and A. Nel 2021

See also Emerson 1971, Engel 2011, Fontes and Vulcano 1998, Froggatt 1897, Krishna et al. 2013, Nel and Paicheler 1993, Perkovsky and Nel 2021 and Snyder 1949

Sister taxa: Coptotermitinae, Dolichorhinotermes, Prorhinotermitinae, Psammotermitinae, Rhinotermes, Rhinotermites

Subtaxa: Heterotermes Lukotermes Reticulitermes

View classification

Type: Heterotermes



• Pliocene of Germany (1 collection)

• Miocene of France (2), Germany (2), Mexico (2), United States (4: California)

• Oligocene of Germany (1), United States (1: Colorado)

• Eocene of Poland (1), the Russian Federation (8), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Colorado)

Total: 25 collections including 34 occurrences

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