Cymatophlebia longialata Germar 1839 (true dragonfly)

Insecta - Odonata - Cymatophlebiidae

Alternative combinations: Aeschna longialata, Anax longialatus, Anax longiolatus, Libellula longialata, Libellulium longialatum, Petalia longialata

Synonyms: Aeschna bavarica Giebel 1856, Aeschna multicellulosa Giebel 1857

Full reference: E. F. Germar. 1839. Die versteinerten Insecten Solenhofens. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum 19(1):187-222

Belongs to Cymatophlebia according to A. A. Santos et al. 2022

See also Bechly et al. 2001, Carpenter 1932, Deichmüller 1886, Germar 1839, Germar 1842, Giebel 1857, Hagen 1848, Hagen 1850, Hagen 1862, Handlirsch 1906, Kirby 1890, Meunier 1897, Ponomarenko 1985, Schweigert et al. 1996 and Scudder 1885

Sister taxa: Cymatophlebia densa, Cymatophlebia herrienae, Cymatophlebia kuempeli, Cymatophlebia pumilio, Cymatophlebia purbeckensis, Cymatophlebia standingae, Cymatophlebia suevica, Cymatophlebia yixianensis, Cymatophlebia zdrzaleki

Type specimens:

  • Cymatophlebia longialata: BSP AS VII 792, an exoskeleton (complete poorly preserved female with four wings outstretched). Its type locality is Solnhofen (BSPGM Munich coll), which is in a Tithonian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal lime mudstone in the Solnhofen Formation of Germany.
  • Aeschna bavarica:
  • Aeschna multicellulosa: Its type locality is Solnhofen (Bischof coll), which is in a Tithonian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal lime mudstone in the Solnhofen Formation of Germany.

Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore


• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Spain (1 collection)

• Jurassic of Germany (23)

Total: 24 collections each including a single occurrence

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