Clade Epiproctophora Bechly 1996 (dragonfly)

Insecta - Odonata

Full reference: G. Bechly. 1996. Morphologische Untersuchungen am Flügelgeäder der rezenten Libellen und deren Stammgruppenvertreter (Insecta; Pterygota; Odonata) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der phylogenetischen Systematik und des Grundplanes der Odonata. Petalura, Special-Volume 2:1-402

Parent taxon: Odonata according to G. Bechly 2007

See also Bechly 2005, Bechly et al. 2003 and Petrulevičius and Nel 2007

Sister taxa: Anisozygoptera, Hageniella, Hageniella problematica, Haidilaozhenidae, Idionychidae, Kobdoneura, Liassophlebia clavigaster, Liassophlebia hopei, Libellula decapitata, Libellulina, Mesomantidiidae, Mesonetopsis, Orthaeschnites, Oryctothemis, Palaeophlebia, Peraphlebia, Proaeschna, Pseudoeuphaea, Pseudoeuphaea areolata, Pseudoeuphaea falsificata, Pseudoeuphaea filosa, Pseudoeuphaea obscura, Sogdothemis, Syrrhoe, Triassophlebia, Zygoptera

Subtaxa: Euepiproctophora Frenguelliidae Isophlebioptera

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Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore

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