Toxodon expansidens Cope 1885 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Toxodontidae

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1885. A contribution to the vertebrate paleontology of Brazil. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 23(121):1-21

Belongs to Toxodon according to E. D. Cope 1886

See also Ameghino 1887 and Cope 1885

Sister taxa: Toxodon antiquus, Toxodon bilobidens, Toxodon chapalmalensis, Toxodon darwinii, Toxodon excavatus, Toxodon gezi, Toxodon giganteus, Toxodon gracilis, Toxodon platensis, Toxodon protoburmeisteri, Toxodon virgatus

Ecology: scansorial grazer

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Toxodon expansidens in the database

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