Bivalvia - Cardiida - Veneridae
Parent taxon: Tapetinae according to H. E. Vokes 1980
See also Hassan 1953, Lamprell and Whitehead 1992, Marasti 1973, Nagao 1928, Oostingh 1935 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Cyclorisma, Cyclorismina, Eumarcia, Flaventia, Gomphina, Granicorium, Irus, Katelysia, Legumen, Liocyma, Marcia, Mercimonia, Retrotapes, Ruditapes, Sinonia, Tapes, Textivenus, Venerella, Veneritapes
Subtaxa: Paphia (Callistotapes) Paphia (Paphia) Paphia (Paratapes) Paphia (Protapes) Paphia clarki Paphia crassiscula Paphia exilis Paphia numidicus Paphia parisiensis Paphia persica Paphia textile Paphia vetula
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Australia (2 collections), Belgium (1), Ireland (1), Japan (9), Pakistan (2), the Philippines (1), Taiwan (8), Thailand (1), Ukraine (2)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Malaysia (5)
• Pliocene of Belgium (6), Egypt (1), Indonesia (13), Italy (2), Japan (6), Pakistan (5), Papua New Guinea (1), the Philippines (2), Portugal (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (5), Austria (7), France (1), Germany (1), Greenland (1), India (2), Indonesia (14), Iran (1), Israel (1), Italy (10), Japan (5), Pakistan (2), the Russian Federation (6), Slovakia (1)
• Oligocene of Ecuador (1)
• Eocene of Greenland (1)
• Paleocene of United States (9: California)
• Cretaceous of Nigeria (1), Peru (1)
Total: 139 collections including 162 occurrences
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