Hexagonella bifida Crockford 1944 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Cystoporida - Hexagonellidae

Full reference: J. Crockford. 1944. Bryozoa from the Permian of Western Australia Part I: Cyclostomata and Cryptostomata from the north-west basin and Kimberley district. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 69:139-175

Belongs to Hexagonella according to J. Crockford 1944

Sister taxa: Hexagonella australe, Hexagonella dendroidea, Hexagonella densa, Hexagonella faceta, Hexagonella khaophrikensis, Hexagonella kobayashii, Hexagonella laevigata, Hexagonella lineata, Hexagonella miranda, Hexagonella nalbia, Hexagonella nebulosa, Hexagonella petschorica, Hexagonella plana, Hexagonella ramosa, Hexagonella recta, Hexagonella robusta, Hexagonella tortuosa, Hexagonella undulata

Type specimen: UWA 22132. Its type locality is Hill C, Grant Range, which is in an Artinskian/Kungurian marine limestone in the Noonkanbah Formation of Australia.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Hill C, Grant Range

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