Full reference: C. J. B. Amyot and J. G. Audinet-Serville. 1843. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hémiptères 1-676
Parent taxon: Hemiptera according to K. P. Johnson et al. 2018
See also Archibald and Mathewes 2000, Becker-Migdisova 1960, Cryan and Urban 2012, Grimaldi and Engel 2005, Kania and Wegierek 2008, Kukalová-Peck and Lawrence 2004, Prokop et al. 2015, Szwedo 2018, Szwedo and Nel 2011, Tillyard 1921 and Tillyard 1922
Sister taxa: Aphidii, Auchenorinques, Auchenorrhyncha, Belostomum, Biturritidae, Cercopyllis, Cicadopsyllidae, Cimicides, Coleorrhyncha, Delphax rhenana, Delphax senilis, Eofulgoridium chanmaense, Gallinsecta, Hemelytrata, Heteroptera, Heteropterodea, Homoptera, Hydrocorisae, Hypocixius, Limnochares antiquus, Lithopsis lineatus, Lithopsis punctinervis, Ludibrium, Lystra vollenhoveni, Meshemipteron, Mesococcus, Palaeohemiptera, Paleorrhyncha, Peloridiina, Pincombella, Pincombella belmontensis, Planophlebia, Protocoris ovalis, Protoprosbolidae, Shaandongia
Subtaxa: Aphidiformes Archiconiopterygidae Coccoidea Coccomorpha Psyllaria Psylliformes