Uralobactrites uralicus Doguzhaeva 2002 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Bactritida - Bactritidae

Full reference: L. Doguzhaeva. 2002. Adolescent bactritoid, orthoceroid, ammonoid and coleoid shells from the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian of the south Urals. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 57:9-55

Belongs to Uralobactrites according to L. Doguzhaeva 2002

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: PIN 3871/327. Its type locality is Sim River, 5 km from Sim along Ufa-Chelyabinsk Road, which is in an Artinskian carbonate limestone in the Russian Federation.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Sim River, 5 km from Sim along Ufa-Chelyabinsk Road

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