Enhydriodon dikikae Geraads et al. 2011 (otter)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Mustelidae

Full reference: D. Geraads, Z. Alemseged, R. Bobe and D. Reed. 2011. Enhydriodon dikikae, sp. nov. (Carnivora: Mammalia), a gigantic otter from the Pliocene of Dikika, lower Awash, Ethiopia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31(2):447-453

Belongs to Enhydriodon according to D. Geraads et al. 2011

Sister taxa: Amyxodon, Enhydriodon aethiopicus, Enhydriodon africanus, Enhydriodon falconeri, Enhydriodon hendeyi, Enhydriodon latipes, Enhydriodon sivalensis

Type specimen: DIK-56-9, a partial skull (partial skull including snout, orbits and all upper teeth except I1-2, parts of lower jaw and teeth). Its type locality is DIK-56, which is in a Zanclean terrestrial horizon in the Hadar Formation of Ethiopia.

Ecology: scansorial carnivore-omnivore

Distribution: found only at DIK-56

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