†Arctotherium (Pararctotherium) pamparum Ameghino 1904 (bear)
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Mammalia - Carnivora - Ursidae
Alternative combinations: Arctodus pamparus, Pararctotherium pamparum
Full reference: F. Ameghino. 1904. Nuevas especies de mamíferos, cretáceos y terciarios de la República Argentina [New species of mammals, Cretaceous and Tertiarty, from the Argentine Republic]. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina 56–58:1-142
Belongs to Arctotherium (Pararctotherium) according to E. Trajano and H. Ferrarezzi 1995
See also Ameghino 1904
Sister taxa: Arctotherium (Pararctotherium) brasiliense, Arctotherium (Pararctotherium) enectum
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Arctotherium (Pararctotherium) pamparum in the database
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