Anthozoa - Stauriida - Lophophyllidae
Alternative combination: Stereostylus absitus
Synonym: Lophophyllidium spinosum Jeffords 1947
Belongs to Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) according to J. Fedorowski 1987
Sister taxa: Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) compressum, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) confertum, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) distortum, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) dunbari, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) plummeri, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) skinneri, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) westii, Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) wewokanum
Type specimens:
- Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) absitum: Its type locality is Baldwin, Toronto Limestone, Douglas, which is in a Virgilian marine limestone in the Oread Formation of Kansas
- Lophophyllidium spinosum: Its type locality is Graham, Young, which is in a Virgilian marine shale in the Graham Formation of Texas.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Afghanistan (1 collection), East Timor (1), United States (1: Texas), Venezuela (1)
• Carboniferous of United States (33: Kansas, Texas)
Total: 37 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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