Janiceps ogbinensis Grunt 1965 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Athyridida - Athyrididae

Alternative combination: Araxathyris ogbinensis

Full reference: T. A. Grunt. 1965. Athyridida, in The Development and Change of Marine Organisms at the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Boundary. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 108:237-253

Belongs to Janiceps according to T. A. Grunt 1986

Sister taxa: Janiceps bipartita, Janiceps cadorica, Janiceps emarginatiformis, Janiceps lozovskyi, Janiceps papilio, Janiceps peracuta

Type specimen: PIN 2073/549. Its type locality is Ogbin, Haydenella Beds, Dzhagra River, which is in a Wuchiapingian marine horizon in the Julfa Formation of Armenia.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Armenia (3 collections), Iran (1)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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