Anthozoa - Stauriida - Tachylasmatidae
Full reference: W. S. Wu. 1975. The coral fossils of the Mount Qomolangma region. A Report of the Scientific Expedition in the Mount Jolmo Lungma Region (1966-1968) 1:83-128
Belongs to Tachylasma according to S. Z. Guo 1980
Sister taxa: Tachylasma beyrichi, Tachylasma breviseptatum, Tachylasma gracile, Tachylasma irregulare, Tachylasma irregulare, Tachylasma jiangsuense, Tachylasma laibinensis, Tachylasma lhazeensis, Tachylasma magnum, Tachylasma paradoxicum, Tachylasma pseudocha, Tachylasma qianggongense, Tachylasma rariseptatum, Tachylasma regulare, Tachylasma tenuiseptatus, Tachylasma timorense, Tachylasma variabilis, Tachylasma xiukangensis, Tachylasma yiduense
Type specimen: Its type locality is Naxing Section JSB4, Nyalam County, which is in a Changhsingian marine horizon in the Selong Formation of China
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of China (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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