Anthozoa - Stauriida - Waagenophyllidae
Alternative combination: Lonsdaleia timorica
Full reference: H. Gerth. 1922. Der palaeontologische Charakter der Anthozoën-fauna des Perm von Timor. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 49:1-32
Belongs to Ipciphyllum according to Zhao 1988
See also Gerth 1922, Hudson 1958, Jia et al. 1977, Minato and Kato 1965 and Sorauf 2004
Sister taxa: Ipciphyllum admirabilis, Ipciphyllum anatolicum, Ipciphyllum araxense, Ipciphyllum arnouldi, Ipciphyllum asperum, Ipciphyllum bandangguanense, Ipciphyllum elegans, Ipciphyllum flexuosum, Ipciphyllum fliegeli, Ipciphyllum floricolumellum, Ipciphyllum gnomeiense, Ipciphyllum grande, Ipciphyllum grandicolumnarium, Ipciphyllum guangdongense, Ipciphyllum guizhouense, Ipciphyllum heritschi, Ipciphyllum heshanense, Ipciphyllum huangi, Ipciphyllum irregularis, Ipciphyllum kezuoense, Ipciphyllum laosense, Ipciphyllum naoticum, Ipciphyllum originale, Ipciphyllum persicum, Ipciphyllum pingyanense, Ipciphyllum regulare, Ipciphyllum rudis, Ipciphyllum saraburiense, Ipciphyllum shiqianense, Ipciphyllum simplex, Ipciphyllum stabilis, Ipciphyllum stereoseptatum, Ipciphyllum subelegans, Ipciphyllum subtimoricum, Ipciphyllum tabasense, Ipciphyllum tenuitheca, Ipciphyllum zandaense, Ipciphyllum ziyunense, Ipciphyllum zunyiense, Atopophyllum minor, Aridophyllum fluegeli
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of China (3 collections), Indonesia (1), Iraq (1)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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