Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Meekoceratidae
Alternative combination: Nannites dieneri
Full reference: A. Hyatt and J. P. Smith. 1905. The Triassic cephalopod genera of America. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 40:1-394
Belongs to Juvenites according to B. Kummel and G. Steele 1962
See also Hyatt and Smith 1905 and Spath 1934
Sister taxa: Juvenites canadensis, Juvenites edelsteini, Juvenites kraffti, Juvenites laevis, Juvenites medius, Juvenites multiconstractus, Juvenites septentrionalis, Juvenites sinuosus, Juvenites spathi, Juvenites tenuicostatus, Juvenites thermarum
Type specimen: Its type locality is Union Wash, Meekoceras bed, Inyo Range, which is in a Smithian slope limestone in the Union Wash Formation of California
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Triassic of United States (6: California, Idaho, Nevada collections)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
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