Demospongiae - Choristida - Cephaloraphiditidae
Full reference: J. K. Rigby. 1981. The sponge fauna of the Eocene Castle Hayne Limestone from east-central North Carolina. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 16(4):123-144
Belongs to Ophiraphidites according to J. K. Rigby 1981
Sister taxa: Ophiraphidites annulatus, Ophiraphidites cylindricus, Ophiraphidites infundibuliformis, Ophiraphidites ramosus, Ophiraphidites tuberosus
Type specimen: Its type locality is TU 869 Brooks Swamp, which is in a Bartonian/Priabonian marine claystone in the Castle Hayne Formation of North Carolina
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at TU 869 Brooks Swamp
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