Leptodus hemisphaericus Lee and Gu 1980 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Lyttoniidae

Alternative combination: Paraleptodus hemisphaericus

Full reference: L. Lee and F. Gu. 1980. Carboniferous and Permian Brachiopoda. Paleontological Atlas of Northeast China 1:327-428

Belongs to Leptodus according to M. E. Clapham 2015

See also Lee and Gu 1980

Sister taxa: Leptodus cancriniformis, Leptodus deminutus, Leptodus elongatus, Leptodus guadalupensis, Leptodus hoshanensis, Leptodus huangi, Leptodus kaluzinensis, Leptodus lacuna, Leptodus lamina, Leptodus minor, Leptodus nobilis, Leptodus oldhaminoides, Leptodus ovatus, Leptodus richthofeni, Leptodus trapezium, Leptodus tumenlingensis, Leptodus wuchangensis, Poikilosakos tongluensis, Lyttonia (Stita), Lyttonia (Vincia), Lyttonia (Irma), Lyttonia (Imperia), Lyttonia (Prisca), Lyttonia (Digitia), Lyttonia (Pirgula), Spinolyttonia arakeljani

Type specimen: Its type locality is Wuchang County, which is in a Wordian/Capitanian marine horizon in the Tumenling Formation of China

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Wuchang County

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