Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Furcitellidae
Alternative combinations: Leptaena scabrosa, Orthis scabrosa, Strophomena scabrosa
Belongs to Katastrophomena according to Bassett and Cocks 1974
Sister taxa: Katastrophomena (Costistrophomena), Katastrophomena (Katastrophomena), Katastrophomena admiratio, Katastrophomena agrestis, Katastrophomena antiquata, Katastrophomena catalorni, Katastrophomena dolhirensis, Katastrophomena mackenzii, Katastrophomena maxima, Katastrophomena modesta, Katastrophomena parvicardinis, Katastrophomena penkillensis, Katastrophomena radiireticulata, Katastrophomena scotica, Katastrophomena woodlandensis, Katastrophomena zheganensis, Strophomena antiquata woodlandensis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Silurian of Sweden (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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