Callucina (Callucina) thierensi Hébert 1849 (clam)

Bivalvia - Lucinida - Lucinidae

Alternative combinations: Claibornites thierensi, Lucina (Callucina) thierensi, Lucina thierensi, Lucina thierensii, Phacoides (Callucina) thierensi

Belongs to Callucina (Callucina) according to R. Marquet et al. 2008

See also Gitton et al. 1986 and Glibert and van de Poel 1967

Sister taxa: Callucina (Callucina) keenae, Callucina (Callucina) lingualis, Callucina (Callucina) squamula

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal chemosymbiotic


• Oligocene of Belgium (4 collections), France (24)

Total: 28 collections each including a single occurrence

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