Acanthopecten shenshuensis Liang 1980 (scallop)

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Limipectinidae

Full reference: Z. F. Liang. 1980. Mollusca. Paleontological Atlas of Northeast China 1:429-484

Belongs to Acanthopecten according to Z. F. Liang 1980

Sister taxa: Acanthopecten anshunensis, Acanthopecten bellosum, Acanthopecten carboniferous, Acanthopecten carboniferus, Acanthopecten coloradoensis, Acanthopecten delawarensis, Acanthopecten equicostatus, Acanthopecten gaoanensis, Acanthopecten giganteus, Acanthopecten jaguelensis, Acanthopecten josephinae, Acanthopecten licharewi, Acanthopecten meeki, Acanthopecten onukii, Acanthopecten spinosus, Acanthopecten subgiganteus, Acanthopecten xizangensis, Acanthopecten ziphocostatus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Shenshu, Tieli County, which is in a Wordian/Capitanian marine horizon in the Tumenling Formation of China

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Shenshu, Tieli County

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