Deuteropoda - Isoxyida - Isoxyidae
Parent taxon: Isoxyidae according to R. Lerosey-Aubril et al. 2020
See also Bambach et al. 2007, Briggs et al. 2008, Schram 2014, Sepkoski 2002 and Williams et al. 1996
Sister taxon: Surusicaris
Subtaxa: Isoxys auritus Isoxys chilhoweanus Isoxys communis Isoxys curvirostratus Isoxys longissimus Isoxys minor Isoxys paradoxus Isoxys volucris
Type: Isoxys chilhoweanus
Ecology: nektonic suspension feeder
• Cambrian of Australia (4 collections), Canada (2: British Columbia), China (48), Greenland (2), the Russian Federation (1), Turkey (1), United States (1: Utah)
• Solvan of Canada (2: British Columbia)
• Delamaran of Canada (8: British Columbia)
• Caerfai of Canada (1: Northwest Territories)
Total: 70 collections including 108 occurrences
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