†subfamily Dactylocalycinae Gray 1867 (glass sponge)

Hexactinellida - Lychniscosa - Dactylocalycidae

Parent taxon: Dactylocalycidae according to R. M. Finks et al. 2004

Sister taxa: Dactylocalyx, Jima, Meandrospongia, Ophrystomatinae, Pyrospongia, Scleroplegma

Subtaxa: Calathiscus Exanthesis Moretiella Paraplocia Scolecosia

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Eocene of United States (2: North Carolina collections)

• Cretaceous of France (3), Germany (4), Poland (1), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (2)

Total: 13 collections including 14 occurrences

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