Insecta - Coleoptera - Permosynidae
Full reference: B. B. Rohdendorf. 1961. Superorder Coleopteroidea, in Paleozoiskie nasekomye kuznetskogo basseina. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 85:393-469
Parent taxon: Permosynidae according to B. B. Rohdendorf 1961
Sister taxa: Alveolacupes, Alveolicupes, Artematopodites, Bistrisyne, Delpuentesyne, Diarcuipenna, Dinoharpalus, Dzeregia, Hydrobiites, Ischichucasyne, Permocrossos, Permosyne, Platycrossos, Pseudorhynchophora, Sakmaracoleus, Tychtocoleus, Umkomaasia
Subtaxa: Palademosyne martynovae Palademosyne natalensis
Type: Palademosyne martynovae
• Permian of the Russian Federation (1 collection), South Africa (1)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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