Olophrum Erichson 1839 (rove beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Staphylinidae

Full reference: W. F. Erichson. 1839. Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. Erster Band. Zweite Abtheilung 385-740

Parent taxon: Anthophagini according to L. H. Herman 2001

See also Erichson 1839, Erichson 1839 and Kiselev and Nazarov 2009

Sister taxa: Acidota, Anthobium, Anthophagus, Arpedium, Artochia, Eucnecosum, Geodromicus, Lesteva, Microedus, Orobanus, Pelecomalium, Phlaeopterus, Sinanthobium, Unamis

Subtaxa: Olophrum arcanum Olophrum assimile Olophrum boreale Olophrum celatum Olophrum consimile Olophrum dejectum Olophrum fuscum Olophrum henryi Olophrum interglaciale Olophrum latum Olophrum obtectum Olophrum rotundicolle

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• Quaternary of Canada (3: British Columbia, Ontario collections), Greenland (5), the Russian Federation (4), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (7), United States (25: Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin)

• Miocene of the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 46 collections including 69 occurrences

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