Trilobita - Corynexochida - Dolichometopidae
Synonyms: Amphoton (Sunia) Kobayashi 1942, Amphotonella Kobayashi 1942, Eurodeois Opik 1982, Sunia Kobayashi 1942
Parent taxon: Dolichometopidae according to S. Peng et al. 2004
See also Jell and Adrain 2002, Sepkoski 2002 and Wolfart 1994
Sister taxa: Anoria, Athabaskia, Athabaskiella, Basanellus, Bathyuriscidella, Bathyuriscus, Centonella, Chilometopus, Clavaspidella, Corynexochides, Deiradonyx, Dolichometopsis, Dolichometopus, Fuchouia, Glossopleura, Hemirhodon, Hoffetella, Klotziella, Neopoliellina, Parapoliella, Poliella, Poliellaites, Poliellaspis, Poliellina, Polypleuraspis, Ptarmigania, Shanghaia, Wenkchemnia
Subtaxa: Amphoton alceste Amphoton deois Amphoton oatesi Amphoton typicum
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
• Cambrian of Antarctica (2 collections), Australia (2), China (11)
Total: 15 collections including 17 occurrences
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