Ussurites muskwa McLearn 1946 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Phylloceratida - Ussuritidae

Belongs to Ussurites according to H. Bucher 2002

See also McLearn 1969 and Tozer 1994

Sister taxa: Ussurites arthaberi, Ussurites cameroni, Ussurites detwilleri, Ussurites hara, Ussurites hosei, Ussurites kingi, Ussurites mansfeldi, Ussurites mansfieldi, Ussurites sichoticus, Ussurites sieveri, Ussurites sokolovi, Ussurites submansfeldi, Ussurites xinghaiensis, Ussurites yabei

Type specimen: Its type locality is GSC 10732, Cameron Hill, Alaska Highway, which is in an Aegean marine siliciclastic in the Toad Formation of Canada

Ecology: nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 44.6


• Triassic of Canada (8: British Columbia collections)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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