†Perplexisaurus foveatus Tatarinov 1997 (therapsid)
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Osteichthyes - Therocephalia - Perplexisauridae
Synonym: Chlynovia serridentatus Tatarinov 2000
Full reference: L. P. Tatarinov. 1997. Noviy skalopozavr (Reptilia, Theriodonta) s neobychnoy sensornoy sistemoy iz verkhney Permy Kirovskoy Oblasty [New scaloposaur (Reptilia, Theriodonta) with an unusual sensory system, from the Upper Permian of the Kirov Region]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1997(6):88-95
Belongs to Perplexisaurus according to M. F. Ivakhnenko 2011
See also Tatarinov 1997 and Tatarinov 2008
Sister taxon: Perplexisaurus lepusculus
Type specimens:
- Perplexisaurus foveatus: PIN no. 2212/15, a skull. Its type locality is Kotelnich, Vjatka River ("Sarmin" series), PIN 2212, which is in a Severodvinian terrestrial claystone/sandstone in the Urpalov Formation of the Russian Federation.
- Chlynovia serridentatus: PIN 2212/90, a partial skull. Its type locality is Kotelnich, Vjatka River ("Sarmin" series), PIN 2212, which is in a Severodvinian terrestrial claystone/sandstone in the Urpalov Formation of the Russian Federation.
Ecology: carnivore
Distribution: found only at Kotelnich, Vjatka River ("Sarmin" series), PIN 2212
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