Foraminifera - Nummulitacea - Nummulitidae
Synonym: Operculinoides
Parent taxon: Nummulitidae according to G. Wienrich 1997
See also Kiessling 2003, Loeblich and Tappan 1988 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Arnaudiella, Assilina, Cycloclypeus, Dictyoconos, Heteroclypeus, Heterostegina, Nummulitella, Nummulostegina, Operculina, Operculinella, Palaeonummulites, Planostegina, Ranikothalia, Spiroclypeus
Subtaxa: Nummulites carmenensis Nummulites deserti Nummulites fraasi Nummulites globulus Nummulites heeri Nummulites incrassatus Nummulites madaraszi Nummulites subvasseuri Nummulites vasseuri
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal omnivore
• Quaternary of Mayotte (3 collections), the Seychelles (1)
• Miocene of Cuba (1), Germany (1), Libya (1), Malaysia (1), Saint Lucia (1), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Indonesia (1)
• Oligocene of Antigua and Barbuda (1), Costa Rica (1), France (1), India (4), Iran (4), Israel (1), Italy (7), Libya (4), Mexico (1), Oman (2), Pakistan (1), Puerto Rico (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Somalia (18), Spain (16), Trinidad and Tobago (2)
• Eocene to Oligocene of Armenia (1)
• Eocene of Austria (1), Colombia (4), Costa Rica (1), Egypt (18), France (4), Germany (1), Greece (1), Haiti (1), Hungary (7), India (38), Iran (8), Iraq (3), Italy (27), Libya (7), Maldives (10), Mexico (3), Oman (1), Pakistan (5), Panama (3), Poland (1), Romania (4), Saudi Arabia (1), Senegal (2), Slovenia (2), Somalia (5), South Africa (1), Spain (23), Turkey (4), the United Kingdom (25), United States (6: Florida, Georgia), Venezuela (1)
• Paleocene to Oligocene of Belize (2)
• Paleocene to Eocene of Bulgaria (1), China (1), India (8), Iraq (8), Turkey (1)
• Paleocene of Bulgaria (1), India (2), Iran (3), Iraq (4), Libya (3), Pakistan (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (1), Togo (1)
• Cretaceous of Tanzania (1)
Total: 334 collections including 474 occurrences
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