Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Alternative combinations: Flabellipecten gatunensis, Pecten (Flabellipecten) gatunensis, Pecten gatunensis
Belongs to Leopecten according to T. R. Waller 2011
See also Brown and Pilsbry 1911, Hodson et al. 1927, Olsson 1922, Olsson 1964 and Woodring 1982
Sister taxa: Leopecten bakeri, Leopecten diegensis, Leopecten marquerensis, Leopecten stearnsii, Leopecten stillmani
Subtaxa: Flabellipecten gatunensis macdonaldi Flabellipecten gatunensis protistus Flabellipecten gatunensis tapeinus
Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Pliocene of Panama (2 collections)
• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (2)
• Miocene of Colombia (1), Costa Rica (2), Ecuador (1), Mexico (1), Panama (34), Venezuela (4)
• Oligocene of Panama (4)
Total: 51 collections including 53 occurrences
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