Liassophila hydromanicoides Tillyard 1933 (scorpionfly)

Insecta - Mecoptera - Liassophilidae

Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1933. The Panorpoid complex in the British Rhaetic and Lias. Fossil Insects, British Museum Natural History 3:1-79

Belongs to Liassophila according to R. Willmann 1978

See also Tillyard 1933

Sister taxa: Liassophila gemella, Ijapsyche sibirica

Type specimen: BMNH I 6650, a forewing. Its type locality is Binton, Warwickshire (Tomes collection), which is in a Planorbis marine shale/limestone in the Blue Lias Formation of the United Kingdom.


Distribution: found only at Binton, Warwickshire (Tomes collection)

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