Discodermia polytylostoma Brimaud and Vachard 1986 (demosponge)

Demospongiae - Tetralithistida - Theonellidae

Full reference: C. Brimaud and D. Vachard. 1986. Les spongiaires siliceux du Tortonien des Betiques (Miocene de l'Espagne du Sud): especes nouvelles ou peu connues, I: Choristides et Lithistides [Tortonian siliceous sponges from the Betics (Miocene of southern Spain): new or little known species, I: Choristida and Lithistida]. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, C 8(3):293-341

Belongs to Discodermia according to C. Brimaud and D. Vachard 1986

Sister taxa: Discodermia catalaunica, Discodermia galloprovincialis, Discodermia gleba, Discodermia stellata

Type specimen: Its type locality is Pliego, which is in a Tortonian marine horizon in Spain

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Miocene of Spain (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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