†Homoeodictyon elongatum Martynov 1937 (winged insect)
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Insecta - Protorthoptera - Homoeodictyidae
Full reference: A. V. Martynov. 1937. Permian fossil insects from Kargala and their relationships. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 7:1-92
Belongs to Homoeodictyon according to A. V. Martynov 1937
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: PIN 100/4, a forewing. Its type locality is Kargala, Levski waste (PIN collection 100), which is in a Capitanian terrestrial mudstone in the Amanak Formation of the Russian Federation.
Distribution: found only at Kargala, Levski waste (PIN collection 100)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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