Alamitornis minutus Agnolin and Martinelli 2009 (avialan)

Reptilia - Theropoda

Full reference: F. L. Agnolin and A. G. Martinelli. 2009. Fossil birds from the Late Cretaceous Los Alamitos Formation, Río Negro Province, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 27:42-49

Belongs to Alamitornis according to F. L. Agnolin and A. G. Martinelli 2009

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MACN PV RN 1108, a limb element (Proximal third of a left humerus). Its type locality is Los Alamitos vertebrates, middle section, which is in a Campanian/Maastrichtian lacustrine - large siltstone/sandstone in the Los Alamitos Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at Los Alamitos vertebrates, middle section

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