Aygroua anoualensis Jones et al. 2003 (frog)

Amphibia - Salientia

Full reference: M. E. H. Jones, S. E. Evans, and D. Sigogneau-Russell. 2003. Early Cretaceous frogs from Morocco. Annals of Carnegie Museum 72(2):65-97

Belongs to Aygroua according to M. E. H. Jones et al. 2003

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MCM 183, a limb element (Proximal part of a right ilium). Its type locality is Ksar Met-Lili, Anoual, which is in a Tithonian/Berriasian deltaic sandstone in the Ksar Metlili Formation of Morocco.

Ecology: amphibious carnivore

Distribution: found only at Ksar Met-Lili, Anoual

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