Strophomenata - Productida - Echinoconchidae
Full reference: T. Sun. 1983. Early Permian new genera and species of brachiopod fauna in Rutog Duoma area, Xizang (Tibet), China. Earth Science - Journal of Wuhan College of Geology 19(1):119-128
Belongs to Juresania according to T. Sun 1983
Sister taxa: Juresania dorudensis, Juresania grandispinosa, Juresania hispida, Juresania juresanensis, Juresania kolymaensis, Juresania omanensis, Juresania ovalis, Juresania rituensis, Juresania transversa, Productus (Juresania) scalaris
Type specimen: Its type locality is Tuotala Mountain section, Duoma, Rutog, which is in an Artinskian carbonate limestone in the Tunlonggongba Formation of China
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Tuotala Mountain section, Duoma, Rutog
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