Insecta - Trichoptera - Vitimotauliidae
Full reference: I. D. Sukatsheva and E. A. Jarzembowski. 2001. Fossil caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Early Cretaceous of southern England II. Cretaceous Research 22:685-694
Belongs to Purbimodus according to I. D. Sukatsheva and D. S. Aristov 2020
See also Sukatsheva and Jarzembowski 2001
Sister taxa: Purbimodus khramovi, Purbimodus medius, Purbimodus minor, Purbimodus parvulus, Purbimodus saxosus
Type specimen: BMB 020512, a forewing (missing base). Its type locality is Durlston Bay, Bed DB175, Swanage (BMB collection), which is in a Berriasian lagoonal siliciclastic in the Durlston Formation of the United Kingdom.
Distribution: found only at Durlston Bay, Bed DB175, Swanage (BMB collection)
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