†Lotagnostus agnostiformis Apollonov and Tschugaeva 1983 (artiopod)
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Artiopoda - Agnostida - Agnostidae
Belongs to Lotagnostus according to Apollonov and Tschugaeva 1983
Sister taxa: Lotagnostus (Distagnostus), Lotagnostus (Eolotagnostus), Lotagnostus (Lotagnostus) trisectus, Lotagnostus americanus, Lotagnostus asiaticus, Lotagnostus atenuatus, Lotagnostus extremus, Lotagnostus hedini, Lotagnostus obscurus, Lotagnostus punctatus
Ecology: slow-moving epifaunal detritivore
• Cambrian of Kazakhstan (6 collections), the Russian Federation (4)
• Taoyuanian of the Russian Federation (3)
Total: 13 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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