Alloaeschna paskapooensis Wighton and Wilson 1986 (true dragonfly)

Insecta - Odonata - Gomphaeschnidae

Synonyms: Alloaeschna marklae Wighton and Wilson 1986, Alloaeschna quadrata Wighton and Wilson 1986

Full reference: D. C. Wighton and M. V. H. Wilson. 1986. The Gomphaeschninae (Odonata: Aeshnidae): new fossil genus, reconstructed phylogeny, and geographical history. Systematic Entomology 11:505-522

Belongs to Alloaeschna according to C. Jouault et al. 2023

See also Nel et al. 1994 and Wighton and Wilson 1986

Sister taxa: none

Type specimens:

Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore


• Paleocene of Canada (5: Alberta collections)

Total: 5 collections including 6 occurrences

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