Perispyridium hippaense Carter et al. 1988 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Entactinaria - Eptingiidae

Alternative combination: Protoperispyridium hippaensis

Full reference: E.S. Carter, B.E.B. Cameron, and P.L. Smith. 1988. Lower and Middle Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy and systematic paleontology, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 386:1-109

Belongs to Perispyridium according to E. S. Carter et al. 2010

See also Carter et al. 1988 and Gorican et al. 2006

Sister taxa: Perispyridium apertum, Perispyridium darwini, Perispyridium dettermani, Perispyridium dumitricai, Perispyridium facetum, Perispyridium gujohachimanense, Perispyridium ordinarium, Perispyridium oregonense, Perispyridium schopfi, Perispyridium serratum, Perispyridium tamarackense, Perispyridium trifolium, Perispyridium whalenae

Type specimen: Its type locality is GSC loc. C-080588, Graham Island, which is in a Bajocian offshore siltstone in the Graham Island Formation of Canada.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Jurassic of Canada (6: British Columbia collections), Japan (1)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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