Schrenkiella periovalis Waterhouse and Gupta 1983 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Schrenkiellidae

Alternative combination: Linoproductus periovalis

Full reference: J. B. Waterhouse and V. J. Gupta. 1983. An early Djulfian (Permian) brachiopod faunule from upper Shyok Valley, Karakorum Range, and the implcations for dating of allied faunas from Iran and Pakistan DATA NOT ENTERED: SEE M. Clapham FOR DETAILS. Contributions to Himalayan Geology 2: Stratigraphy and Structure of Kashmir and Ladakh Himalaya 188-233

Belongs to Schrenkiella according to B. Waterhouse and Z. Q. Chen 2007

See also Waterhouse and Gupta 1983

Sister taxa: Schrenkiella abrupta, Schrenkiella schrenki, Schrenkiella timanica, Schrenkiella triangulata, Schrenkiella umboplana, Indigia pallida, Indigia ilibeica, Indigia sakmarica, Indigia eleganta

Type specimen: USNM 153719, a valve (Ventral valve)

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Pakistan (4 collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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