Pleurikodonta elegans Runnegar 1965 (clam)

Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Megadesmidae

Alternative combination: Astartila (Pleurikodonta) elegans

Full reference: B. Runnegar. 1965. The bivalves Megadesmus Sowerby and Astartila Dana from the Permian of eastern Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 12(2):227-252

Belongs to Pleurikodonta according to J. B. Waterhouse 1987

See also Runnegar 1965

Sister taxon: Pleurikodonta gemma

Type specimen: CPC 5183. Its type locality is BMR B270a, Exmoor Homestead, which is in a Wuchiapingian marine sandstone in the Blenheim Formation of Australia.

Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Australia (12 collections)

Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence

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