Trilobita - Olenida - Olenidae
Alternative spelling: Leptoplastoides
Synonyms: Andesaspis Kobayashi 1935, Andesaspis (Parabolinopsis), Beltella Lake 1919, Parabolinopsis
Parent taxon: Pelturinae according to R. A. Robison and J. Pantoja-Alor 1968
See also Fortey and Owens 1991, Ghobadi Pour 2019, Harrington and Leanza 1957, Henningsmoen 1957, Jell and Adrain 2002, Sepkoski 2002, Wilson 1954 and Zylinska 2001
Sister taxa: Anaximander, Chungkingaspis, Leurostega, Psilocara, Svalbardites
Subtaxa: Beltella versimilis Leptoplastides argentinensis Leptoplastides coniunctus Leptoplastides depressus Leptoplastides granulosus Leptoplastides irae Leptoplastides latus Leptoplastides marianus Leptoplastides nodifer Leptoplastides salteri Leptoplastides ulrichi
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
• Ordovician of Argentina (41 collections), Canada (1: Newfoundland), Morocco (1), the United Kingdom (8)
• Cressagian of the United Kingdom (4)
• Tremadoc of Argentina (56), Bolivia (9), Colombia (1), France (2), Mexico (3), Morocco (1), United States (1: Texas)
• Cambrian of Argentina (8), Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador), Norway (5), Poland (5), the United Kingdom (5)
Total: 152 collections including 168 occurrences
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