Bledius Leach 1819 (rove beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Staphylinidae

Full reference: W. E. Leach. 1819. Taxonomic names. The Entomologist’s Useful Compendium; or an Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects, Comprising the Best Means of Obtaining and Preserving them, and a Description of the Apparatus Generally Used; Together with the Genera of Linné, and the Modern Method of Arranging the Classes Crustacea, Myriapoda, Spiders, Mites and Insects, from their Affinities and Structure, According to the views of Dr. Leach. Also an Explanation of the Terms Used in Entomology; a Calendar of the Times of Appearance and Usual Situations of near 3,000 Species of British Insects 1-448

Parent taxon: Blediini according to C. Y. Cai et al. 2016

See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Herman 2001, Scudder 1878 and Scudder 1900

Sister taxon: Kupakara

Subtaxa: Bledius adamus Bledius arcticus Bledius faecorum Bledius glaciatus Bledius littoralis Bledius osborni Bledius primitiarum Bledius soli Bledius speciosus Bledius suturalis Bledius talpa

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• Quaternary of Canada (2: British Columbia, Ontario collections), Greenland (6), the United Kingdom (5), United States (10: Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin)

• Miocene of Germany (1)

• Eocene of the United Kingdom (2), United States (6: Colorado, Wyoming)

Total: 32 collections including 40 occurrences

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