Subfamily Cryptorhynchinae Schoenherr 1825

Insecta - Coleoptera - Curculionidae

Alternative spelling: Cryptorhynchides

Full reference: C. F. Schoenherr. 1825. Continuatio, tabulae synopticae familiae Curculionidum. Isis von Oken 1825:581-588

Parent taxon: Curculionidae according to C. Y. Cai et al. 2022

See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Britton 1960, Legalov 2012, Legalov 2015 and Zherikhin 1971

Sister taxa: Brachycerinae, Dryophthorinae, Erirhininae, Ocladiinae, Brachycerites, Raymondionyminae

Subtaxa: Aedemonini Camptorhinini Cryptorhynchini Gasterocercini Sophrorhinini

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• Quaternary of New Zealand (1 collection), the United Kingdom (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Australia (1)

• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (2), Mexico (1)

• Oligocene of Germany (1)

• Eocene of France (1), Germany (1), Lithuania (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (2), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (10: Colorado, Wyoming)

Total: 26 collections including 75 occurrences

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