Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Tapashanitidae
Full reference: J. K. Zhao, X. L. Liang, and Z. G. Zheng. 1978. Late Permian cephalopods of south China. Palaeontologica Sinica, New Series B 154(12):1-194
Belongs to Tapashanites according to T. B. Leonova 2002
See also Zhao et al. 1978
Sister taxa: Tapashanites achurensis, Tapashanites acuticostatus, Tapashanites changxinensis, Tapashanites changxingensis, Tapashanites chaotianensis, Tapashanites compressus, Tapashanites costatus, Tapashanites curvoplicatus, Tapashanites floriformis, Tapashanites honghensis, Tapashanites hunanensis, Tapashanites kwangsiensis, Tapashanites latiumbilicus, Tapashanites latumbilicatus, Tapashanites meishanensis, Tapashanites orientalis, Tapashanites robustus, Tapashanites tenuicostatus, Tapashanites yaowalakae, Mingyuexiaceras changxingense, Mingyuexiaceras radiatum, Mingyuexiaceras changxingensis
Type specimen: NIGP 14858. Its type locality is Mingyuexia, north limb of anticline, Mingyuexia Mb, Chaotian, Guangyuan County, which is in a Changhsingian deep-water mudstone in the Dalong Formation of China.
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 58.3
• Permian of China (10 collections)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence
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