Teleoschistus placatus Scudder 1890 (stink bug)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Pentatomidae

Full reference: S. H. Scudder. 1890. The Tertiary Insects of North America. Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories XIII:1-734

Belongs to Teleoschistus according to S. H. Scudder 1890

Sister taxa: Teleoschistus antiquus, Teleoschistus multinervosus, Teleoschistus rigoratus

Type specimen: MCZ 644, an exoskeleton (body missing head). Its type locality is Florissant (MCZ Collection), which is in a Chadronian lacustrine - large shale in the Florissant Formation of Colorado.


Distribution: found only at Florissant (MCZ Collection)

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