†Asfaltomylos patagonicus Rauhut et al. 2002 (mammal)
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Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Henosferidae
Full reference: O. W. M. Rauhut, T. Martin, E. Ortíz-Jaureguizar and P. Puerta. 2002. A Jurassic mammal from South America. Nature 416:165-168
Belongs to Asfaltomylos according to Rauhut et al. 2002
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MPEF-PV 1671, a mandible (left dentary with three molars and three posterior premolars). Its type locality is Queso Rallado, near Cerro Cóndor, which is in a Toarcian/Toarcian lacustrine mudstone in the Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina.
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
Distribution: found only at Queso Rallado, near Cerro Cóndor
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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